
Kloxo Installation Guide


1) A dedicated or virtual server (Xen/OpenVZ/Virtuozzo) running CentOS or Red Hat EL (versions 5.1+). At present, only 32bit versions of these operating systems are officially supported and development of a x86_64 compatible Kloxo is in progress.
2) At least 256 MB of RAM (total). Once installed, Kloxo can be tweaked to use as little as 33 MB of RAM (total - including the panel, web, mail, dns, db and OS services). Special attention must be given if your server have no swap (usually the case of OpenVZ VMs).
3) At least 2 GB of free disk space for Kloxo and related services.
4) If you partitioned your disks manually, make sure you have a large /tmp. Kloxo uses /tmp to create and store backups temporarily and it will fail if there is not enough space.

Before we begin...

You have to disable SELinux by editing /etc/sysconfig/selinux and changing the line to selinux=disabled. This will keep SELinux from being enabled on your server next boot.

Then you must run the following command as root to disable SELinux for the current session:

# su - root
# setenforce 0

If you are unsure this procedure worked, you can run /usr/sbin/sestatus to check its status. Failure to correctly disable SELinux will render your Kloxo install useless and an OS reload may be required to properly reinstall it.
Also, make sure the ports 7778/tcp and 7777/tcp are open in your server firewall or you won't be able to connect to Kloxo web panel when the install completes.

Installing Kloxo

Kloxo installation consists of downloading either kloxo-install-master.sh or kloxo-install-slave.sh from download.lxlabs.com and executing them as root. They will download all the required files and install them for you. In case you are presented with a question/menu from yum/up2date, you may press .

If you don't have MySQL server already installed, you must run:

# su - root
# wget http://download.lxcenter.org/download/kloxo/production/kloxo-install-master.sh
# sh ./kloxo-install-master.sh

If you already have MySQL installed and set a root password, you must run:

# su - root
# wget http://download.lxcenter.org/download/kloxo/production/kloxo-install-master.sh
# sh ./kloxo-install-master.sh --db-rootpassword=PASSWORD

Once kloxo is installed, you can connect to http://YOUR_SERVER_IP:7778 and you will be presented with a login screen. Login as admin with password admin and once you are in, Kloxo will explicitly force you to change the password to a secure one.

Home page: www.lxcenter.org


From Kloxo HostInaBox, a light and efficient webhosting platform, to Kloxo Enterprise, a truly distributed hosting platform.

Kloxo is a fully scriptable, distributed and a 100% object oriented hosting platform.

  • CentOS 5 Support
  • Integrates with billing software such as AWBSWHMCS and HostBill
  • Kloxo HostinABox: Feature Complete web hosting platform that uses 10MB RSS.
  • Kloxo Enterprise: distributed hosting platform.
  • View, Search and Manage your entire hosting, and every domain from a single page.
  • Lxguard, advanced intrusion detection management interface.
  • Supports apache/lighttpddjbdns/bind and pure-ftpd
  • On the fly Switch between applications
  • Scale to million hits per day, using fastcgi
  • Advanced Backup/Restore
  • Upgrade from HostInABox to Enterprise without re-installing
  • Parked/Redirected Domains
  • Integrated RoR
Main Features:
  • Full Distribution of resources across machines.
  • Ability to move accounts from one cluster to another.
  • Backup your entire hosting and restore ANY part of it.
  • Disk usage and warning report for the whole cluster.
  • Ability to move resources across machines on-the-fly. Start with a single server, and when you have reached the saturation, just add another server and move the requisite resources to the new machine.
  • Move Clients/Domains across resellers. You can change the ownership of both clients and domains and move them around trivially.
General Features:
  • Messaging System. Kloxo allows you have a better relationship with your customers using our messaging and ticketing system.
  • Ticket System. This is a full featured trouble ticket system that allows customers to post their complaints without the need to login to their main account.
  • Ticket alerts.
  • Disable / Enable Resellers.
  • Change Reseller’s quotas.
  • Command Line api to everything that can be done through web interface.
Client functions:
  • Manage reseller quotas: Control your client’s ability to:
  • Change Banner
  • Enable frontpage
  • Enable ssl
  • Web server pool
  • Mail server pool
  • Dns Server pool
  • Database server pool.
  • Ipaddress pool.
  • Exclusive ipaddress: Allow a customer to setup ssl certificate for this ipaddress.
  • Backup Your Entire Account, including domains, clients, databases, directory protects, and also the contents of all the resources.
  • Schedule backup.
  • Upload backup to Ftp servers.
Mail Functions
  • Catchall
  • Manage email accounts
  • Webmail
  • Auto-responders
  • Forwarding
  • Mailing list Management (ezmlm)
  • Full control of Dns.
  • Spam filtering (SpamAssassin)
  • AWStats
  • View latest visitors
  • View bandwidth usage
  • Traffic Calculation includes Mail, Web and Ftp Traffics.
  • View error log
  • Download raw log file
Web functions
  • Directory Protect
  • User password directly linked to the Frontpage password.
  • Frontpage Install/Uninstall
  • Custom error pages
  • Redirects
  • Cluster aware File Manager
  • Cron job management.
  • Manage FTP accounts
  • Ability to add/remove subdomains
  • Ability to create Ftp users for specific subdomains.
Database Management
  • Manage MySQL databases on multiple servers
  • Intelligent phpMyAdmin access. Kloxo will automatically redirect you to the correct server on which the database is configured.
Server Functions:
  • Manage Services
  • Change Database adminstrator password
  • Ipaddress management
  • See all the domains that are using the particular server.
  • Cron jobs.
  • Log manager
  • Process Manager
  • Package updation. Using up2date.
Platform Support
CentOS 5 Stable (32Bit)
RHEL 5: Stable (32Bit)

Terminator Salvation

Assume the role of John Connor, leader of the Resistance, in post-apocalyptic 2018 Los Angeles. Alongside Marcus Wright, Kyle Reese and other fighters, battle for survival against the forces of Skynet in a third-person shooting game inspired by the movie. Counter hordes of enemies in concentrated armed combat, destroy specific targets, hack computers, drive futuristic vehicles, defend areas and more. The high variety of missions and gameplay, plus the faithful rendering of the movie universe, will definitely delight gamers and fans of the Terminator universe alike!

Blackberry 89XX Curve Series (480*360): 8900(Javelin), 8910(Atlas), 8950, 8980/Blackberry 90XX Bold (Onyx) Series (480*320) Devices Models: 9000, 9020(Onyx)/Blackberry 96XX Tour (Niagara) Series (480*360):9600, 9630, 9650(Tour2), 9670, 9700(Bold2), 9780
