

From Kloxo HostInaBox, a light and efficient webhosting platform, to Kloxo Enterprise, a truly distributed hosting platform.

Kloxo is a fully scriptable, distributed and a 100% object oriented hosting platform.

  • CentOS 5 Support
  • Integrates with billing software such as AWBSWHMCS and HostBill
  • Kloxo HostinABox: Feature Complete web hosting platform that uses 10MB RSS.
  • Kloxo Enterprise: distributed hosting platform.
  • View, Search and Manage your entire hosting, and every domain from a single page.
  • Lxguard, advanced intrusion detection management interface.
  • Supports apache/lighttpddjbdns/bind and pure-ftpd
  • On the fly Switch between applications
  • Scale to million hits per day, using fastcgi
  • Advanced Backup/Restore
  • Upgrade from HostInABox to Enterprise without re-installing
  • Parked/Redirected Domains
  • Integrated RoR
Main Features:
  • Full Distribution of resources across machines.
  • Ability to move accounts from one cluster to another.
  • Backup your entire hosting and restore ANY part of it.
  • Disk usage and warning report for the whole cluster.
  • Ability to move resources across machines on-the-fly. Start with a single server, and when you have reached the saturation, just add another server and move the requisite resources to the new machine.
  • Move Clients/Domains across resellers. You can change the ownership of both clients and domains and move them around trivially.
General Features:
  • Messaging System. Kloxo allows you have a better relationship with your customers using our messaging and ticketing system.
  • Ticket System. This is a full featured trouble ticket system that allows customers to post their complaints without the need to login to their main account.
  • Ticket alerts.
  • Disable / Enable Resellers.
  • Change Reseller’s quotas.
  • Command Line api to everything that can be done through web interface.
Client functions:
  • Manage reseller quotas: Control your client’s ability to:
  • Change Banner
  • Enable frontpage
  • Enable ssl
  • Web server pool
  • Mail server pool
  • Dns Server pool
  • Database server pool.
  • Ipaddress pool.
  • Exclusive ipaddress: Allow a customer to setup ssl certificate for this ipaddress.
  • Backup Your Entire Account, including domains, clients, databases, directory protects, and also the contents of all the resources.
  • Schedule backup.
  • Upload backup to Ftp servers.
Mail Functions
  • Catchall
  • Manage email accounts
  • Webmail
  • Auto-responders
  • Forwarding
  • Mailing list Management (ezmlm)
  • Full control of Dns.
  • Spam filtering (SpamAssassin)
  • AWStats
  • View latest visitors
  • View bandwidth usage
  • Traffic Calculation includes Mail, Web and Ftp Traffics.
  • View error log
  • Download raw log file
Web functions
  • Directory Protect
  • User password directly linked to the Frontpage password.
  • Frontpage Install/Uninstall
  • Custom error pages
  • Redirects
  • Cluster aware File Manager
  • Cron job management.
  • Manage FTP accounts
  • Ability to add/remove subdomains
  • Ability to create Ftp users for specific subdomains.
Database Management
  • Manage MySQL databases on multiple servers
  • Intelligent phpMyAdmin access. Kloxo will automatically redirect you to the correct server on which the database is configured.
Server Functions:
  • Manage Services
  • Change Database adminstrator password
  • Ipaddress management
  • See all the domains that are using the particular server.
  • Cron jobs.
  • Log manager
  • Process Manager
  • Package updation. Using up2date.
Platform Support
CentOS 5 Stable (32Bit)
RHEL 5: Stable (32Bit)